Function computing different network analysis metrics.
mode = "directed",
weighted = TRUE,
transfers = TRUE,
metrics = c("degree", "closeness", "clusters", "betweenness"),
clusters = c("cluster_fast_greedy", "cluster_infomap"),
hubs = "all_clusters",
options = list(degree = list(modes = c("in", "out", "total")), closeness = list(modes =
"total"), betweenness = list(), cluster_fast_greedy = list(undirected = "collapse"),
cluster_infomap = list(undirected = "collapse"), clusters = list(algos =
c("cluster_fast_greedy", "cluster_infomap"), undirected = "collapse"))
the network to analyze. Must be an igraph, HospiNet or a square adjacency matrix (n*n).
either "directed" or "undirected" network measures
TRUE if the network is weighted
TRUE if metrics specific to subject transfers must be computed
list of the metrics to compute
choose between cluster algorithm: cluster_fast_greedy or cluster_infomap
choose between getting hubs from "all_clusters" or "global"
named list of options to be passed to the igraph functions